There are four ways to have a false value in Perl:
my $false = undef; $false = ""; $false = 0; $false = "0";
The last one is false because "0" becomes 0 in numeric context, which is false by the third rule.
A simple if
or unless
block might look like this:
if ($is_frobnitz) { print "FROBNITZ DETECTED!\n"; }
In these cases, simple statements can have the if
or unless
appended to the end.
print "FROBNITZ DETECTED!\n" if $is_frobnitz; die "BAILING ON FROBNITZ!\n" unless $deal_with_frobnitz;
This also works for while
and for
print $i++ . "\n" while $i < 10;
loopsThere are three styles of for loops.
my @array; # Old style C for loops for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $array[$i] = $i; } # Iterating loops for my $i (@array) { print "$i\n"; } # Postfix for loops print "$_\n" for @array;
You may see foreach
used in place of for
. The two are interchangable. Most people use foreach
for the last two styles of loops above.
allows Perl to use a block where a statement is expected.
open( my $file, '<', $filename ) or die "Can't open $filename: $!"
But if you need to do something else:
open( my $file, '<', $filename ) or do { close_open_data_source(); die "Aborting: Can't open $filename: $!\n"; };
The following are also equivalent:
if ($condition) { action(); } do { action(); } if $condition;
As a special case, while
runs the block at least once.
do { action(); } while action_needed;
or case
If you're coming from another language, you might be used to case
statements. Perl doesn't have them.
The closest we have is elsif
if ($condition_one) { action_one(); } elsif ($condition_two) { action_two(); } ... else { action_n(); }
There is no way to fall through cases cleanly.
Consider the following loop:
$i = 0; while ( 1 ) { last if $i > 3; $i++; next if $i == 1; redo if $i == 2; } continue { print "$i\n"; }
1 3 4
skips to the end of the block and continues or restartsredo
jumps back to the beginning of the loop immediatelylast
skips to the end of the block and stops the loop from executing againcontinue
is run at the end of the blockSubmit a PR to
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